What Makes Permeable Pavement More Eco-Friendly?

What are the Environmental Benefits of Permeable Pavement?

Permeable pavements are made of a porous, or permeable surface that enables an incredible amount of water to flow through the surface, especially during heavy rainfalls. Permeable driveways for example, prevent stormwater runoff, which is the main reason they are considered one of the most eco-friendly driveway solution.

Typical materials such as gravel, permeable pavers, plastic grids and resin-bound aggregate, are examples of permeable surfaces. While they provide different looks and various benefits, they each allow storm water to be flow through the surface and into the ground below, where it can drain back to the water table as nature intended.

Permeable driveways are a sustainable pavement solution to reduce the hazardous effects of stormwater run-off and help replenish our water tables.

At Dream Pave, we are leading installers of permeable driveways, walkways and tree surrounds, specializing in resin bound aggregate.  Dream Pave are Authorized StoneSet Installers for the Greater Toronto Area. We only install StoneSet Premium Resin system, because it is a highly durable, permeable pavement that has been proven for 30+ Years. So, let’s learn more about why permeable pavement is the most eco-friendly solution.

Why are permeable pavements eco-friendly?

They Help Prevent Flooding and Stormwater Run-off;

The StoneSet permeable pavement installed by Dream Pave, is incredibly porous.  Combined with a permeable base, our pavement allows water to drain quickly below the surface, then back into the soil. Therefore, an enormous amount of water, 90L / second / m2 can flow through the surface. Thus, it offers a major contribution to urban flood reduction. Additionally, permeable pavements in general, prevents stormwater pollution from running into the sewers, rivers, streams, and our water supply. 

Replenishes Aquifers;

Permeable pavement functions just like natural soil. It allows water to permeate through and return back to the water table. So, it helps replenish aquifers. Plus, this has a positive effect on surrounding vegetation and tree-root systems.  

Low-Impact Development (LID)

StoneSet by Dream Pave, and other permeable solutions, helps reduce flooding, minimizing the need for traditional stormwater infrastructure. So, it can save municipalities long term costs, as a Low-Impact Development (LID) component.

Permeable Resin Bound Driveways Require Less Salt during Winter

StoneSet permeable pavement is ideal for Canada’s Climate. Did you know, that snow melts much faster. Furthermore, salt usually required to melt ice on traditional, impermeable surfaces, is barely needed.  Therefore, less salt benefits plants, grasses and reduces contamination of rivers and streams, all the way to assisting water treatment plants.

100% Natural Canadian Granite

The unique StoneSet by Dream Pave surface is made from 100% natural Canadian granite, crushed into small sized aggregate (stones). This granite is a by-product of other granite products. This is another reason why permeable pavement by Dream Pave is a eco-friendly driveway solution.

Lower Carbon Footprint

Permeable Pavement has a low carbon footprint compared to conventional pavements such as asphalt, concrete or pavers. The StoneSet Resin and aggregate are mixed and poured on-site. There are no in manufacturing plants or hauling trucks. Thus our permeable Pavement process reduces our carbon footprint.

Durable, and Eco-Friendly Driveways installed for 30+ Years

StoneSet system installed by Dream Pave, has a life expectancy of 30+ years.  Most importantly, this performance has been proven from UK to Russia to Australia and within our Canadian climate. This is another reason why Permeable Pavement is the most eco-friendly driveway. Get inspired by exploring our Online Project Gallery.

When deciding on landscaping choices, decisions are being made around the environmental benefits that permeable pavements provide. Concerns about the increase of flash storms and basement flooding are becoming more top of mind, especially if your current driveway or walkway consists of concrete, pavers or asphalt – known as hardscapes, which are impermeable surfaces.

As a result, stormwater on hardscape surfaces creates surface run-off’; The stormwater does not soak back into the ground naturally. Consequently, this causes issues like urban flooding and stormwater pollution.  So, if it’s time to replace a driveway, walkway, or patio, consider the many environmental benefits of installing permeable resin bound pavement by Dream Pave.

Helps Reduce Flooding

This key benefit of permeable pavement helps maintain the natural water cycle. With traditional impervious pavements, rain water runs across and off the surface. Conversely, permeable pavements eliminate surface run-off by allowing stormwater to ‘be absorbed’ through the surface and then infiltrate back into the soil below. 

Groundwater Protection

Permeable surfaces, when installed professionally, include a permeable base construction; This process helps to clean stormwater before it reaches the water table, becoming groundwater.  Compare this to traditional,  impermeable surfaces which do not allow stormwater and snow from replenishing groundwater.

Stormwater cannot penetrate traditional concrete, pavers nor asphalt, Thus, the rainwater enters our sewer systems, known as grey infrastructure, then into streams and larger bodies of water. This runoff contains toxic elements such as motor oil and pesticides. This harsh reality can be addressed by permeable pavements, as stormwater is ‘absorbed’ by the permeable pavement, and naturally makes its way back into the water table, replenishing groundwater – just as nature intended.

Permeable Pavement Helps Reduce the Heat Island Effect.

Another key benefit of permeable pavement is not quite visible. Heat buildup in urban areas is a problem created by traditional, impermeable pavement. Impermeable materials, specifically asphalt, absorbs the solar energy (heat) during the day, and releases it at night. This heat buildup, then release contributes to what is called the urban heat island effect

Permeable resin bound pavement, installed by Dream Pave, absorbs less heat than traditional pavements. Here’s how it helps;

Water Retention – the porous structure of permeable pavements allow rainwater to seep through and is stored in the base, which can then evaporate, creating a cooling effect,

Reduced Heat Absorption – as mentioned above, compared to traditional asphalt and pavers, permeable pavement absorbs less solar energy due to the design, leading to lower surface temperatures,

Evapotranspiration – the rainwater stored within the permeable base, can then evaporate, contributing to evapotranspiration which further cools the surrounding air.

The StoneSet permeable pavement installed by DreamPave is not just an alternative to traditional surfacing but as you can now see, is a proven approach to designing and building walkways, driveways, and tree surrounds within urban spaces.

Connect with Dream Pave Permeable by booking a complimentary Discovery Call with our Resin Bound aggregate Team.