When deciding on landscaping choices, more decisions are being determined by the environmental benefits that permeable pavements provide. Concerns about the increase of flash storms, and basement flooding is becoming more top of mind. Especially if your landscape consists of concrete or asphalt hardscaping, as these surfaces are impervious.
As a result, stormwater causes surface run-off which does not soak back into the ground naturally. Consequently, this causes issues like flooding and stormwater pollution. Fortunately, permeable pavements, as installed by Dream Pave, solve this dilemma. So, if it’s time to replace a driveway, walkway or patio, consider the many environmental benefits to installing a permeable pavement.
Environmental Benefits of Permeable Pavement
Flood Reduction
The first key benefit, is permeable pavement helps maintain the natural water cycle. With traditional impervious pavement such as concrete and especially asphalt (aka tar) surfaces, rainwater runs across the surface and it creates problems. For example, an increased risk of basement flooding and stormwater pollution. On the flip side, permeable pavement is a porous surface that eliminates surface run-off, by allowing stormwater to ‘be absorbed’ through the surface, then infiltrate back into the soil below. To achieve this, DreamPave installs a 12″ permeable sub-base that allows water to drain below the surface and back into the soil.
Groundwater Protection
Benefit #2 , permeable surfaces help to protect groundwater, our primary source of drinking water. An enormous amount of water per second can drain through using the PurePave resin bound surface that we install. So, it plays a major role in flood reduction. Plus, with permeable pavement, puddles are a thing of the past – the surface dries within minutes!The amount of available groundwater has been severely reduced over time, owing, in part, to impermeable surfaces used in urban and suburban construction. Impermeable surfaces prevent rain and snow from replenishing groundwater.
Additionally, as runoff water is unable to penetrate concrete and asphalt, it is diverted into storm sewage systems, streams, and finally local bodies of water. Runoff water from pavement picks up toxic substances like car oil or pesticide chemicals and dumps them into surrounding bodies of water. As a result, our drinking water supply becomes polluted over time. This can be addressed by installing permeable pavement. For instance, DreamPave’s permeability allows for sustainable rainwater management. Rainwater seeps away naturally and, as a result, contributes to groundwater reserves.
Permeable Pavement Helps Prevent the Accumulation of Heat Island Effect
Further, heat buildup in and around cities is a problem with impermeable pavement. Impermeable materials, such as asphalt and concrete, absorb sunlight and reflect it back as heat. This heat buildup is called the urban heat island effect. Permeable surfaces, like DreamPave, enhance water evaporation. In turn, this cools the pavement surface and ambient air temperature.
Developed by extensive scientific research and testing via University of Ottawa and the National Research Council of Canada, DreamPave’s intelligent formula creates high strength surfacing that allows rainwater to seep into the soil. Therefore, reducing the stress and pollution on local waterways. Plus, moisture evaporates quickly from its surface, reducing urban heat islands (UHI). DreamPave is not just an alternative to traditional surfacing, but the most advanced approach to the design and construction of walkways, driveways and public spaces. So, let’s say goodbye to puddles and basement flooding when April showers come pouring down!
Click here to read a Toronto Star article about a DreamPave, net-zero run-off property in Toronto.
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